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Airline ticket of 51 Hangzhou discount is bought easily
From;    Author:Stand originally
This year 51, should keep away from only on May 1, partial airline ticket is not expensive, the tourist that misses free travel can make arrangement early. Reporter from Hangzhou desolate hill booking office of Lin Men of International Airport fierce learns, with photograph of the corresponding period was compared last year, the passenger buys petty gain more easily this year dozen lose airline ticket.

The price of a ticket of business affairs course such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen is not fast. If Hangzhou goes to Beijing, on May 2, 4 days, airline ticket discount reachs minimum, lowest of specific flight number arrives 3 fold the left and right sides, such discount ballot measure won't be much nevertheless. Even if is 51 end give travel height period of time, 7 discount or so fare common also. The airline ticket price that Hangzhou reachs Guangzhou is lower, lowest of discount of airline ticket of specific on May 1 flight number has 3 to fold the left and right sides.

Line of the most popular a few big travel, will begin fare on May 2 commonly meeting fall after a rise, will reach return peak on May 7. If you keep away from height, still can buy favourable airline ticket. For example Hangzhou goes to Kunming, on May 3, lowest of discount of 4 days of airline ticket has 6 to fold the left and right sides, 5 days, 7 days fold basically for 7-8. Hangzhou arrives 3 inferior, contrast of airline ticket photograph is more expensive, dan Haihang has a few 3 fold airline ticket to roll out. Will come 27 days on April 25, on May 3, 4 days, hangzhou has 3 to lose airline ticket to big talk course, price lowest is 460 yuan; On April 21, 22 days, on May 5, hangzhou arrives 3 inferior course is rolled out 3 lose airline ticket, the price is 530 yuan.

Of course, also have airline ticket of destination of a few travel more expensive, if Hangzhou goes to Home Zhang group, Dalian, Taiyuan, Xiamen, Xi'an and Guilin. On May 1, 3 days, hangzhou does not have a discount basically to the airline ticket of Home Zhang group, 4 days, 7 days are 7 fold the left and right sides.